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welcome to my 'doings'



I’ve been needing a space like this for a very long time. A space to share some of my thoughts and also some of my “doings” with the whoever is interested, but also personally, for me, to release them, to make room for new projects.

“Doings” is a word I’ve been purposefully using to describe the things that I do, because it reminds me that my doings are just that- doings. They’re not BEING's. And I’m sure I’m not the only one out there who sometimes gets lost in their doings, acting a little bit like we’re human doings and almost forgetting we’re actually human beings.

And I do, even for work, quite a lot of various things, so in the past it was extremely easy for me to get lost in them. And not necessarily in the romantic sense of this word, where you get into the wonderful state of flow and you forget all about everything as you immerse yourself into whatever’s in front of you. That is heaven. I’m more referring to the mindless doing for the sake of doing that so many of us seem to be guilty of nowadays. And hey, I’m no different.

I like to think I’ve gotten a bit better at mindful living, having made the conscious decision to start practicing it many years ago now. But what even brought me to make that decision in the first place was the way I used to live my life and.. well, let’s just say workaholism doesn't even begin to describe it. So I know how it is to almost forget about the being, trust me. But I’m happy to say that over the years, with conscious and consistent practice, I’ve been able to introduce a lot more being into my doings though I still sometimes struggle with allowing myself to just be. Nothing more. Not do. Not even meditate. Just be. It’s so simple, yet so far from easy. However it does get easier with practice. Yes, as insane as it sounds, I do believe that being has to be a practice nowadays because the world we live in unfortunately hasn’t been designed to promote much being. It’s all about the doings. So it’s up to us to make sure we don’t forget to be, before we run out of time and realize we missed our life.

But even though I’ve certainly gone through a personal revolution over the last ten years, I am not at all against doings. I do quite a lot of doings myself and I don’t intend to stop. It’s just the balance between the doing and being that we need to cultivate in our lives and introduce a lot more being, (here you could also call it mindfulness or presence) into our doings.

Doings done mindfully are much more rewarding and always yield better results in the end anyway. We’re just often afraid to make that investment. And it’s understandable, given how the world works today. But it doesn’t mean it has to go on like this. It doesn’t mean you have to. You always have the power to put some being into your doings and the more you practice it, the easier it gets, I promise.

But back to my doings. Like I mentioned, I’m into a whole bunch of things, some more related to each other than others. I’d like this to be a place where I could sometimes share some of those things. Perhaps you or someone else finds them interesting. And if not, at least I’ll have created a sort of a digital archive for myself.

So what are those doings of mine, just to give you an idea?

I usually describe myself as working in two, slightly overlapping, but mostly very different areas.

One is the CREATIVE pool. Here I’m a photographer and I’ve also been fulfilling my dream of getting into video-making. I design residential interiors and can’t really let a week pass by without doing some DIY. I also do a bit of graphic design. I write, I paint, I act, and I create whole-food plant-based recipes. I also dabble in a few other things on the creative side of things. I count travelling here as well, the way I do it ties it to creativity quite a bit.

I also used to do a lot of event-organizing work, but I've decided to shift away from it over the past few years as I dove deeper into the other 'pool'.

The other pool is one of HOLISTIC HEALTH & WELL-BEING. Here I like to call myself a guide, (something between a teacher and a coach). As a holistic health and well-being guide, I do my best to give people tools to get to know themselves better so that they could learn how to introduce balance into their bodies and minds whenever life throws us off balance which it tends to do. I strongly believe that although we’re all humans, we are all unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution to your issues. It’s all individual. But if it’s all individual, how do we know what works for us specifically? This is where I teach Ayurveda as well as introduce certain elements of Human Design. I also use the latest research from my favorite lifestyle sciences such as epigenetics, chronobiology, neuroplasticity, microbiome science, plant-based nutrition, positive psychology, happiness studies and many more fields that actually support the ancient teachings of Ayurveda and provide tremendous source of knowledge about how our body-minds work (and how it differs from what we used to think even 20 years ago). I've followed those fields consistently for many years now and, along with stress management techniques, Yoga, and meditation, as well as with what I call “practices for happiness” I provide my clients with personalized tools they could use to better their wellbeing as well as their understanding of how and why they work. This is so that they don’t only get the fish but a fishing rod as well. This allows them to customize those tools even further, all by themselves. As an HSP myself, I also work with other Highly Sensitive People and do my best to educate the world about what Sensory Processing Sensitivity is and how 20% of us are living with this trait for better or worse.

I hope that this site will finally provide the space for me to share both the things I create myself as well as the wisdom I gain as a constant student of life, ever so curious to learn and understand how we work and how we can live the best life possible during this blink-of-an-eye moment we get to be here for.

That’s that for this welcome post. And if anyone’s still reading, let me just leave you with a question:

When was the last time you practiced some true being?

If it wasn’t today, how about giving it a go?

With love and light, until next time-


P.S.: Also, since this is a bit of an introductory post, this info may be fitting here: if you speak Ayurveda, by prakruti I’m truly bidoshic with almost exactly equal amounts of Pitta and Vata, which makes for an interesting life tinted with a sense of duality in almost every aspect of it. In Human Design I’m a very open 5/1 Splenic Projector, and boy, am I doing my very best to design my life in a way that honors my Projector energy… If you know anything about HD, you know that’s a heck of a challenge nowadays.

(If you’d like to learn about any of this, or whatever else I mention here, before I make a proper session booking page, you’re welcome to contact me via the contact form here).


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